Coding 2021-06-06
Coming up with one (1) idea, then getting to sleep, because I got distracted by other things that seemed unreasonably hard.
Coming up with one (1) idea, then getting to sleep, because I got distracted by other things that seemed unreasonably hard.
Somehow, setting the AC to kick in at a higher temperature than the air outside did something.
The first draft is done, time to reflect, and also try to properly learn linguistics.
It's annoying that this comes down to dozens of subjective judgement calls at the lowest level, but I guess it shouldn't be surprising.
Not committing to setting up a complicated workflow, but not committing not to.
What's not reflected here is all the time I put into replaying Hero Core, which probably explains some things.
More rushed, late-night work. I think I'll do better soon, but we'll see.
Dealing with cryptic, untested code.
Going to back up my system overnight in case this persists through reboot.
Big shoutout to attrs for writing the vast majority of __init__ methods in my hobby projects.