Coding 2021-05-16
"This is probably impossible, so in a way, it's like I'm already done."
"This is probably impossible, so in a way, it's like I'm already done."
Crowdsourcing my tooling ideas.
Most of this post is devoted to figuring out how to test a single command-line argument.
Some of the clusters I found were surprising. Sometimes, that was because they were in loan words.
Figuring out all the sounds this language can't make, and the surprising ones it can.
Some progress, a little less than I'd have liked, interrupted by minor but unpleasant medical issues.
I want to get off Mr. Pollen's wild ride.
Getting really tired of the predictable, if not fully comprehensible, things my body does.
Seems to me like there's way more stuff available for ancient Greek than modern Greek, but I specifically want modern Greek. Oh well.
I felt like I was constantly tripping over weird statements when reading up on this in Wikipedia.