Diary 2022-05-27
Still not sure what I'm going to do with all of that information...
Still not sure what I'm going to do with all of that information...
Continuing to do things that, for reasons I don't think I can articulate, I find fulfilling.
Progress on fixing my ability to focus. Agonizing, slow, progress.
There is no one available to take your call. Please try again later.
Apparently I had a lot of words in me.
Getting some good zingers out of this situation, at least.
I've got a rant in me for sometime about games that go "Hey, let's have long-term progression like an RPG, but it's more of a checklist to determine what you have access to in otherwise isolated runs, like a roguelite." I am begging you, pick a lane.
"Oh well."
I hope these names grow on me. I don't want to get caught up tinkering with them.
Situation: I have notes in 5 different places. "I know! I'll copy them all into one unified location!" Situation: I have notes in 6 different places.