Coding 2024-03-27
This stuff isn't totally nailed down, but I want to make like one more decision before I move on from it for now.
This stuff isn't totally nailed down, but I want to make like one more decision before I move on from it for now.
Just about ready to move on for now.
Okay, let's see about getting back on track. Soonish.
Slow and steady progress. Also, "I really should learn marimo properly sometime, huh?"
So much done, so much much much more to do.
Having the wind vigorously rattling things all last night probably didn't contribute to this entry's length.
Once again got too engrossed hand-coding HTML. It's not even vaguely styled well this time.
That's enough of that.
It's called Tsetatsatal currently, and unfortunately that spelling is slightly non-indicative.
Good job with Dafny, bad luck with time management.