Coding 2022-09-24
Forcing myself to do something, just, not very much.
Forcing myself to do something, just, not very much.
Carefully trying to redefine "late" to mean something sensibly earlier. Also, I forget if I already did this, but whatever.
Frantically triaging my sleep schedule, but I still got something done. Next time around, I'll try to prioritize sleep, but I panicked.
If enum is so great, why isn't there an enum 2?
I decided to take things easy, which meant that my posts got generally longer. This actually makes perfect sense.
One step at a time...
I feel like my excuse is slightly better this time, but only slightly.
The code is longer now, but at least it's all optional...
Me working with my own code: "These precious and delicate flowers must be protected from external mutation." Me working with other people's code: "So, I figured out how to install an unoptimized package so I could write breakpoints into the code in site-packages."
I flex on Java. I'm pretty sure nothing that can in any way be thought of as representing Java cares.