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  1. Coding 2020-06-07

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Good turnaround from "How can I possibly do this?" to "I can do this."

  2. Diary 2020-06-06

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Feeling excessively aware of my sinuses

  3. Coding 2020-06-05

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Maybe I should try outlining my posts sometime.

  4. Coding 2020-06-04

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Just writing stuff down can clarify things immensely.

  5. Coding 2020-06-03

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Oh boy, I'm going to need a local package repository if I go through with this idea...

  6. Weekly Roundup 2020-06-02

    By Max Woerner Chase

    "The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time."

  7. Coding 2020-06-01

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I'm going to have to learn to debug with Mono before I can hope to resolve these test failures.

  8. Coding 2020-05-31

    By Max Woerner Chase

    They have overlapping functionality, but I think they both have some unique features.

  9. Coding 2020-05-30

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Blurring the line between self-isolation and just really not wanting to be out in that weather.

  10. Coding 2020-05-29

    By Max Woerner Chase

    There are some tests I wrote before I worked out the Ink VM that don't, like, make sense. I should get rid of them, probably.

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