Diary 2024-04-28

By Max Woerner Chase

Not much luck yet in figuring out how I want different sapient species to work in this setting. Like, because of Reasons, I don't want there to be divine creation events, so I guess this setting (which isn't Earth: the moons are all wrong) has a long-term prehistory, in which humans evolved? In which case, are other sapient species a case of nearby offshoots or convergent evolution, or did weird stuff happen in the sprawling backstory?

(One thing that might tip the balance is the idea of the Ancient Evil getting resurrected, looking at one of the main characters, and going "Wait, what are you?")

I've also been trying to figure out how to tune the available magic and technology to get the setting aesthetics right, but I'd kind of like to know what kind of people are existing in this setting.

Anyway, I let things go late tonight because I was... doing... something? So I'll just get to bed now.

Good night.