Diary 2024-04-29

By Max Woerner Chase

Sapient species status: I may have too many now. Oops. I've got plenty more details to finish filling in there, but I've decided to try to shift focus to a few other areas. However...

It turns out that figuring out how to align the description of a world with "high-fantasy aesthetics" gets tricky when you decide to research things, and discover that, for example, the desire to shove as many poor renters as possible into tower-block housing predates modern construction techniques that make that "not a terrible idea" by... quite some time. So, like, there needs to be a solid reason in my mind why that wouldn't happen, or the extremely visible high-rise buildings need to somehow maintain aesthetic cohesion with the rest of the high-fantasy cities they'd be in.

Anyway, I don't have a quick answer to how to handle that right now, so I'm just going to think on it a bit. I want to wind down properly now.

Good night.