Coding 2023-06-16

By Max Woerner Chase

I wasn't up for much today, because I had a terrible headache for a lot of it.

I was able to start on some coding stuff though. I've made several attempts over the years to do Cryptopals stuff in Python, and I've solved the early sets in, as I recall, a few different ways. (I... don't want to actually look at the old code, because some of it is so cursed that I can't currently type like that, though that's admittedly more to do with not bothering to set up the proper keyboard-related software.)

I'm messing around with the code for the very first challenge. Basically, putting a lot of effort into being a very specific kind of lazy. Specifically, I'm not checking whether there are already libraries for what the challenge is about. And I'm trying to avoid boilerplate. This is going to make a bunch of the code really "clever", but that's kind of the point, so.

In any case, I still haven't had the time and focus to get this to a point where it all even compiles, so, you know, slow going with a new language. I'll just have to keep at it.

Good night.