Coding 2023-06-17

By Max Woerner Chase

Okay, I'm still not feeling great, so I'm going to make this quick.

I poked at my OCaml Cryptopals code today, and I'm getting it into a position that I think makes more sense, but it's going to be even better once I put together some functors. This is perhaps "ludicrous overkill", but I really really don't want to write two copies of this helper code.

(By the way I played a little Peglin and I can't tell if it was trying to unlock orbs or playing on the highest unlocked Cruciball, but Cruciball 7 is a pain.)

Anyway, I've got some more helper code to write. It's really pleasant putting some of this stuff together.

For now, I really need to get to bed, though.

Good night.