Weekly Roundup 2023-06-06
It's hard to think when it's hot; fortunately we should be able to deal now.
It's hard to think when it's hot; fortunately we should be able to deal now.
Changing my focus around a bit.
Really not a fan of how the current version of the saltate plugin falls over and catches fire in the face of any mildly non-trivial usage of inheritance.
My hope with MOTR is that I can get it into a state where I can once again routinely get this kind of "switching projects" boost.
The plugin is getting into a good position...
Progress is taking things through a bunch of weird circles until your code suddenly typechecks.
A bit of MOTR progress...
Nearly done refactoring...
Just keep on ratcheting things forwards...
I suppose I really should try to list, like, specific things blocking a release...