Weekly Roundup 2021-12-28
- Wednesday: I changed Builder to Dynamic, and moved it to a new module.
- Thursday: I revisited my notes/plans from last week, and made sure I understood how to proceed with them.
- Friday: I started implementing stuff from those plans.
- Saturday: I wrote some helper functions, and planned ahead a bit more.
- Sunday: I did some more detailed planning.
- Monday: I tired myself out, so I didn't really do anything there.
Next week, I'm going to try to execute some of the plans I the night before last. At the same time, earlier today, I got back to work on Missable Mysteries, and I definitely want to continue on with that. I think I need to start sketching out the diagrams for the post, and then I'll have a better sense of how to proceed with it. Anyway, I'll worry more about the details tomorrow.