Coding 2024-02-15
Was there really a point to this? No. Is it likely to make sense to anyone else? Also no. But I did it, and I feel like that counts for something.
Was there really a point to this? No. Is it likely to make sense to anyone else? Also no. But I did it, and I feel like that counts for something.
The screens have much information about how to build software artifacts, but also, they have the terrible terrible light.
Train of thought jumped the tracks and landed on another set of tracks.
Closing in on a design with a speed normally reserved for something that could get spooked.
Gathering requirements
I am preparing to slack off so much, you guys.
A good day, but nothing to write about.
Slightly more done than I committed to, hooray.
It'd be really weird if this turned out to represent a consistent shift in pronunciation.
In addition to the words I made up, I also had fun with "gravely misunderstood" and "rectify".