Coding 2022-11-16
I completely forgot about some of the pointless code in here. So strange.
I completely forgot about some of the pointless code in here. So strange.
Once again, definite progress, but really frustrating how much downtime there was.
I'm starting to really respect the idea of making a function (er, "message receiver"?) into a sentence.
I should get "I completely forget what I was doing, and cannot justify this situation to my satisfaction." on a t-shirt. Nobody would be able to read it without getting deep inside my personal bubble, but I'd know what it said.
It doesn't feel great throwing myself under the bus.
Unpleasant but productive. Let's see about getting rid of that first one, hm?
Simple updates and fixes.
Getting really tempted to start dating these one minute before midnight.
Adding metaphors to the code so it hopefully takes less work to interpret.
I left my code alone for a bit, and when I came back, it was haunted.