OMICE Planning - Planning 2018-10-17

By Max Woerner Chase

In this post:

I've got a few hectic days ahead, so I'm trying to take it a little easy this week, by focusing all of the project solely on scoping out a future project. "What is the OMICE?" is basically the question I want to answer for this week. In broad terms, it's a collection of essays, held to different editorial standards according to their type. "Editorial standards" might sound weird, given that the whole gimmick of OMICE is that it's just me. For now, my plan is to keep the title, the whole point of which is that it doesn't really make literal sense.

Ugh, I didn't plan the planning of the planning, so I'm not exactly sure how to get two entries out of this.

I basically want some kind of taxonomy of different types of article, as well as the standards that I'll hold them to before I consider them ready for publication.

It also wouldn't be a bad idea to sketch out a rough idea of the "lifecycle" of an article.

Maybe I should talk about why I decided I should have editorial standards for this passion project. Simply put, I was reading someone else's more-or-less passion project, and I had some issues with it. I had also been thinking about how it would probably make sense to make sure my arguments are valid.

On the side of "articles like would have appeared on the OMIIP", I want to run my arguments by someone who knows what I'm talking about. On the side of "writing about techniques", I want to try to apply them exactly as I say, before I commit to them. If I do any media analysis, I want to make sure that my analysis has various properties in the eyes of other people, such as: cohesiveness, motivation, adequate levels of citation, elementarity where not citing, and persuasiveness.

In addition to "kinds of article", I also need to put some thought into topics, like, what range of things do I want to cover for the OMICE?

I think that'll do for this week.

Next time, I'll lay out topics first, because I think that makes it easier to reason about what kinds of articles I can write about the topics.