Coding 2024-08-30
I have finally convinced myself that a bunch of the stuff I wanted to do was a bad idea. At least for now.
I have finally convinced myself that a bunch of the stuff I wanted to do was a bad idea. At least for now.
I think all of this shouldn't be excessively difficult.
Wow, this yak's hair is really thick...
"Oh, I'm going slow. I should try switching things up." ... "I'm still going slooooow..."
A few notches closer to having a playable character.
(through gritted teeth) Incremental progress is still progress.
I can't avoid actually playing the game forever.
If I tried to code up some of this now, it would be wrong somehow.
The yaks are shaved, now to get back to work.
The parable of the messed-up frog-scorpion hybrid.