Coding 2025-02-03
Well, I'm currently up to my elbows in MOTR's top layer of abstraction. I'm following hunches to eliminate repetition, but I'm going to have to follow a few more hunches to eliminate verbosity.
The big thing that's happening is that I'm going all in on the pattern of writing decorators to convert one-off functions to constant values. Not only am I using this to generate the base commands, but I'm also applying it to the wrappers for --command-arguments.
I'm feeling generally good about these changes from a module layout perspective, but I need to be considering whether to mess around with the naming conventions. Because it's... somewhat questionable to have some constants named in lowercase because of Reasons.
I'm going to wrap up for now, but I've got to finish up with these updates, and ponder the naming.
Good night.