Conlanging - Inventory 2018-07-20
In this post:
- What words I came up with.
I've been grabbing fragmented bits of Toki Pona to convert into placeholders for my lexicon. Let's see what I've collected.
(I'll be honest, I forget what I meant when I wrote up last post's "next time", and the post itself isn't helping.)
- [ale (adj)] all
- [ale (n)] "everywhere"
- [ale (v)] to live
- [ale ala (adj)] some
- [anpa (v)] to travel down/below
- [ante (n)] "the other side"
- [awen (n)] visit
- [awen (v)] to wait/stay/visit/sit
- [en (conj)] and, between noun phrases
- [ike (adj)] Used for "too", could mean "to any unacceptable degree", more generally means "bad" or "complicated", really needs more specific glosses
- [ilo pi wawa ala (n)] "slow thing"
- [ilo pona (n)] good thing
- [ilo suno (n)] a bright thing (may be derive from [suno (adj)])
- [ilo wawa ala (n)] a slow thing, AND a quiet thing, which feels off.
- [jan (n)] person
- [jan lili (n)] baby/child
- [jan sama (n)] sibling/cousin?
- [jan tawa (n)] camper, traveler
- [jo (adj)] owned by
- [jo (v)] to have
- [jump (n)] jump. Toki Pona is hard sometimes.
- [kama (n)] the future
- [kama lili (n)] the near future, 'soon'
- [kama suli (v)] to grow (could probably have just glossed it suli, but also it doesn't matter)
- [kasi (n)] plants (flowers)
- [ken (v)] to be able to
- [kiwen jan (n)] ... doll
- [kon telo (n)] mist/cloud
- [lape (v)] to sleep
- [lili (adj)] little
- [lon (n)] here
- [lon (v)] to stand, to be located
- [lukin (v)] to look
- [lupa (n)] door
- [ma tomo lili (n)] village
- [mama (n)] parent
- [meli lili (n)] girl
- [mije lili (n)] boy
- [moku (v)] to eat
- [moku telo (v)] to drink
- [musi (v)] to play
- [mute (adj)] many/very
- [mute (v)] to do often
- [ni (adj)] this
- [o (v)] a verb of command
- [pali (v)] to work
- [pana (v)] to give
- [pilin pona (adj)] happy
- [pilin pona (n)] happiness
- [pimeja (n)] blackness
- [pini (n)] the past
- [poki (n)] glass (okay, container)
- [pona (adj)] good ("lovely") This one needs more work for sure
- [pona mute (adj)] very good/wonderful
- [pronoun] This is standing in for a more complicated idea that needs concultural support, but the grammatic behavior is presumed identical
- [run (n)] run
- [sama (v)] to be likely to, to seem/appear
- [seli (n)] fire
- [sewi (v)] to travel above/up
- [sike (n)] around. In context, it's translating "around". This may change.
- [sike (n)] ball. I am entirely aware this is on the list twice
- [sike (v)] to roll; this seems like the verb so far most likely to involve something like ergativity, so I probably don't fully have a handle on it. In fact, I just changed it so the relevant example sentence is in the passive form, and the destination is therefore dative instead of accusative.
- [sin (adj)] a
- [sin (v)] to do again
- [sitelen (v)] to write
- [sona (n)] knowledge
- [soweli (adj)] wild
- [soweli (n)] animal, including dog, cat
- [soweli lili (n)] kitten/puppy
- [suli (adj)] old/large/big
- [suno (adj)] bright
- [suno (n)] the sun
- [suno (v)] to shine
- [supa (n)] table
- [tawa (v)] to travel
- [tawa musi (v)] dance
- [telo (n)] water
- [telo sewi (n)] rain
- [telo tawa (n)] river
- [tenpo kama (n)] a specific part of the future
- [tenpo ni (n)] now
- [tenpo suno kama (n)] tomorrow
- [tenpo suno pini (n)] yesterday
- [toki (v)] to say, can be used to form yes-or-no questions
- [toki wawa (v)] to shout
- [tomo sona (n)] school
- [tomo suli (n)] "palace"
- [tu (adj)] two
- [tu (v)] to do twice (this must derive from the numerals somehow; probably the lower numbers have some "irregular" formulation, also shared by select higher numbers, like 40 or 108)
- [walk (n)] walk
- [wan (adj)] together
- [wan (n)] together
- [wan (v)] to be united/together/whole (in theory there should be a word for "once" that currently would gloss the same)
- [weka (n)] some other place, "away"
- [wile (v)] to want, to hope, should, this is probably overloaded
Ninety something words. That's certainly something. My hope is that I can turn that big list there into some smaller lists of words that should be related.
Next time, I discuss the grammar.
July 18
So, before I do the sentences, I want to take the person marking off all of the nouns, and collapse the "pronoun" placeholders into one. I also want to avoid using "kama" as a verb of motion. Instead use "tawa" more as "to journey".
- Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
- [kama suli (v)].proximate.plural.imperfective [kasi (n)].plural.nominative [pona (adj)].plural.nominative [ale (n)].plural.inessive
- We should eat more slowly.
- [wile (v)].first.plural.imperfective [moku (v)].first.plural.imperfective [pronoun].first.plural.nominative [ilo pi wawa ala (n)].plural.comparative [mute (adj)].plural.comparative
- You have come too soon.
- [tawa (v)].second.singular.cessative [pronoun].second.singular.nominative [kama lili (n)].plural.inessive [ike (adj)].plural.inessive
- You must write more neatly.
- [wile (v)].second.singular.imperfective [sitelen (v)].second.singular.imperfective [pronoun].second.singular.nominative [ilo pona (n)].plural.comparative
- Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
- [lon (v)].proximate.singular.imperfective [tomo suli (n)].singular.nominative [pona mute (adj)].singular.nominative [sin (adj)].singular.nominative [ante (n)].singular.inessive [mute (adj)].singular.inessive
- Henry's dog is lost.
- [tawa (v)].proximate.singular.imperfective [soweli (n)].singular.nominative [jan Enwi (name)].obviative.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.nominative [sona (n)].plural.privative
I don't know if I'll actually go with privative case, but I like it for now. Another way would be to represent "lose" as the cessative of "have". "To lose one's way"
- My cat is black.
- [sama (v)].proximate.singular.imperfective [soweli (n)].singular.nominative [pronoun].first.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.nominative [pimeja (n)].plural.accusative
- The little girl's doll is broken.
- [wan (v)].proximate.singular.cessative [kiwen jan (n)].singular.nominative [lili (adj)].singular.genitive [meli lili (n)].singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.nominative
The head of a phrase in genitive moves to the end.
- I usually sleep soundly.
- [mute (v)].first.singular.imperfective [lape (v)].first.singular.imperfective [pronoun].first.singular.nominative [ilo wawa ala (n)].plural.comparative
I'm using the same gloss for "quiet" and "slow". I need to decide what to do about that. (Also "cat" and "dog", but whatever.)
- The children ran after Jack.
- [tawa (v)].proximate.plural.imperfective [jan lili (n)].plural.nominative [jan Sa (name)].obviative.singular.accusative [run (n)].plural.instrumental [pini (n)].plural.inessive
July 19
- I can play after school.
- [ken (v)].first.singular.inchoative [musi (v)].first.singular.inchoative [pronoun].first.singular.nominative [tenpo kama (n)].singular.inessive [tomo sona (n)].singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.inessive
- We went to the village for a visit.
- [tawa (v)].first.plural.perfective [pronoun].first.plural.nominative [ma tomo lili (n)].singular.accusative [awen (n)].singular.dative ([sin (adj)].singular.dative) [pini (n)].plural.inessive
Dative for benefactive
- We arrived at the river.
- [tawa (v)].first.plural.cessative [pronoun].first.plural.nominative [telo tawa (n)].singular.accusative [pini (n)].plural.inessive
- I have been waiting for you.
- [awen (v)].first.singular.perfective [pronoun].first.singular.nominative [pronoun].second.singular.accusative
I'm confused.
- The campers sat around the fire.
- [awen (v)].proximate.plural.perfective [jan tawa (n)].plural.nominative [pini (n)].plural.inessive. [lon (v)].obviative.singular.perfective [seli (n)].singular.nominative [pronoun].proximate.plural.inessive
I figured "traveler" and "camper" were close enough.
- A little girl with a kitten sat near me.
- [awen (v)].proximate.singular.perfective [meli lili (n)].singular.nominative [lili (adj)].singular.nominative [sin (adj)].singular.nominative [soweli lili (n)].singular.genitive'[wan (adj)].singular.nominative [pronoun].first.singular.adessive [pini (n)].plural.inessive
I've decided that genitive can glom onto other adjectives, like "together"
- The child waited at the door for her father.
- [awen (v)].proximate.singular.perfective [jan lili (n)].singular.nominative [mama (n)].singular.accusative [pronoun].proximate.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.accusative [lupa (n)].singular.adessive [pini (n)].plural.inessive
- Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
- [jo (v)].proximate.singular.cessative [meli lili (n)].singular.nominative [ma tomo lili (n)].singular.genitive'[suli (adj)].singular.nominative (oldest) [soweli lili (n)].singular.accusative [pronoun].proximate.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.accusative [tenpo suno pini (n)].singular.inessive
I don't know if I want to do it like this. Basically, for adjectives that can be used normally, I guess the genitive sets up a superlative, with the genitive noun describing the set with respect to which the described noun is superlative, and the adjective the way in which it is superlative.
- Were you born in this village?
- [toki (v)].second.singular.inchoative [ale (v)].second.singular.inchoative [pronoun].second.singular.nominative [ma tomo lili (n)].singular.inessive [ni (adj)].singular.inessive
- Can your brother dance well?
- [toki (v)].second.singular.inchoative [ken (v)].second.singular.perfective [tawa musi (v)].second.singular.perfective [jan sama (n)].singular.nominative [pronoun].second.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.nominative [ilo pona (n)].plural.comparative