Conlanging - Inventory 2018-07-20

By Max Woerner Chase

In this post:

I've been grabbing fragmented bits of Toki Pona to convert into placeholders for my lexicon. Let's see what I've collected.

(I'll be honest, I forget what I meant when I wrote up last post's "next time", and the post itself isn't helping.)

Ninety something words. That's certainly something. My hope is that I can turn that big list there into some smaller lists of words that should be related.

Next time, I discuss the grammar.

July 18

So, before I do the sentences, I want to take the person marking off all of the nouns, and collapse the "pronoun" placeholders into one. I also want to avoid using "kama" as a verb of motion. Instead use "tawa" more as "to journey".

Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
[kama suli (v)].proximate.plural.imperfective [kasi (n)].plural.nominative [pona (adj)].plural.nominative [ale (n)].plural.inessive
We should eat more slowly.
[wile (v)].first.plural.imperfective [moku (v)].first.plural.imperfective [pronoun].first.plural.nominative [ilo pi wawa ala (n)].plural.comparative [mute (adj)].plural.comparative
You have come too soon.
[tawa (v)].second.singular.cessative [pronoun].second.singular.nominative [kama lili (n)].plural.inessive [ike (adj)].plural.inessive
You must write more neatly.
[wile (v)].second.singular.imperfective [sitelen (v)].second.singular.imperfective [pronoun].second.singular.nominative [ilo pona (n)].plural.comparative
Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
[lon (v)].proximate.singular.imperfective [tomo suli (n)].singular.nominative [pona mute (adj)].singular.nominative [sin (adj)].singular.nominative [ante (n)].singular.inessive [mute (adj)].singular.inessive
Henry's dog is lost.
[tawa (v)].proximate.singular.imperfective [soweli (n)].singular.nominative [jan Enwi (name)].obviative.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.nominative [sona (n)].plural.privative

I don't know if I'll actually go with privative case, but I like it for now. Another way would be to represent "lose" as the cessative of "have". "To lose one's way"

My cat is black.
[sama (v)].proximate.singular.imperfective [soweli (n)].singular.nominative [pronoun].first.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.nominative [pimeja (n)].plural.accusative
The little girl's doll is broken.
[wan (v)].proximate.singular.cessative [kiwen jan (n)].singular.nominative [lili (adj)].singular.genitive [meli lili (n)].singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.nominative

The head of a phrase in genitive moves to the end.

I usually sleep soundly.
[mute (v)].first.singular.imperfective [lape (v)].first.singular.imperfective [pronoun].first.singular.nominative [ilo wawa ala (n)].plural.comparative

I'm using the same gloss for "quiet" and "slow". I need to decide what to do about that. (Also "cat" and "dog", but whatever.)

The children ran after Jack.
[tawa (v)].proximate.plural.imperfective [jan lili (n)].plural.nominative [jan Sa (name)].obviative.singular.accusative [run (n)].plural.instrumental [pini (n)].plural.inessive

July 19

I can play after school.
[ken (v)].first.singular.inchoative [musi (v)].first.singular.inchoative [pronoun].first.singular.nominative [tenpo kama (n)].singular.inessive [tomo sona (n)].singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.inessive
We went to the village for a visit.
[tawa (v)].first.plural.perfective [pronoun].first.plural.nominative [ma tomo lili (n)].singular.accusative [awen (n)].singular.dative ([sin (adj)].singular.dative) [pini (n)].plural.inessive

Dative for benefactive

We arrived at the river.
[tawa (v)].first.plural.cessative [pronoun].first.plural.nominative [telo tawa (n)].singular.accusative [pini (n)].plural.inessive
I have been waiting for you.
[awen (v)].first.singular.perfective [pronoun].first.singular.nominative [pronoun].second.singular.accusative

I'm confused.

The campers sat around the fire.
[awen (v)].proximate.plural.perfective [jan tawa (n)].plural.nominative [pini (n)].plural.inessive. [lon (v)].obviative.singular.perfective [seli (n)].singular.nominative [pronoun].proximate.plural.inessive

I figured "traveler" and "camper" were close enough.

A little girl with a kitten sat near me.
[awen (v)].proximate.singular.perfective [meli lili (n)].singular.nominative [lili (adj)].singular.nominative [sin (adj)].singular.nominative [soweli lili (n)].singular.genitive'[wan (adj)].singular.nominative [pronoun].first.singular.adessive [pini (n)].plural.inessive

I've decided that genitive can glom onto other adjectives, like "together"

The child waited at the door for her father.
[awen (v)].proximate.singular.perfective [jan lili (n)].singular.nominative [mama (n)].singular.accusative [pronoun].proximate.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.accusative [lupa (n)].singular.adessive [pini (n)].plural.inessive
Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
[jo (v)].proximate.singular.cessative [meli lili (n)].singular.nominative [ma tomo lili (n)].singular.genitive'[suli (adj)].singular.nominative (oldest) [soweli lili (n)].singular.accusative [pronoun].proximate.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.accusative [tenpo suno pini (n)].singular.inessive

I don't know if I want to do it like this. Basically, for adjectives that can be used normally, I guess the genitive sets up a superlative, with the genitive noun describing the set with respect to which the described noun is superlative, and the adjective the way in which it is superlative.

Were you born in this village?
[toki (v)].second.singular.inchoative [ale (v)].second.singular.inchoative [pronoun].second.singular.nominative [ma tomo lili (n)].singular.inessive [ni (adj)].singular.inessive
Can your brother dance well?
[toki (v)].second.singular.inchoative [ken (v)].second.singular.perfective [tawa musi (v)].second.singular.perfective [jan sama (n)].singular.nominative [pronoun].second.singular.genitive'[jo (adj)].singular.nominative [ilo pona (n)].plural.comparative