Coding 2023-12-09

By Max Woerner Chase

Still doing stuff in marimo. The bug I reported got fixed, which I'm glad about. It sounded like it wouldn't be too hard to address, given familiarity with the code, and I think that's how it ended up.


Hm, yeah, looks very much like a "small change, but you have to know which small change".

Aside from that bug, I wrote some extremely normal code.

:) (glitchy)

You have to show them. It's hilarious.

You know, there are languages where this functionality would be completely unremarkable.

:) (glitchy)

I want you to make them imagine the calibre of Mypy plugin that would be required to make this even vaguely okay.

It only raised one error in the playground!



class GenericEnumType(enum.EnumType):
    def __getitem__(cls, key):
        if isinstance(key, str):
            return super().__getitem__(key)
        return cls.__class_getitem__(key)

:) (glitchier)

yes... ha ha ha... YES

I will say that I really do appreciate how marimo made it easier to prototype these Metaprogramming Crimes. Just regenerating everything downstream when I want to quick try out another approach. That would be a nightmare in a REPL or (to a somewhat lesser extent) in Jupyter.

Although, on that note, I'd kind of like to apologize to the marimo team for taking the capabilities they gave me, gave everyone, and doing... that.


Yeah, how do you sleep at night?


Good night.