Coding 2023-11-17

By Max Woerner Chase

Well, I got distracted, but I do have a few notes.


What exactly does "making it work" entail?


def __add__(self, other):
    return self + other

:) (glitchy)

MmmMMmmmm, that's the good stuff.

Getting that in would require some minor investment in terms of testing because suddenly the method bodies would need to be executed.

Anyway, I need to get back into the guts of this code to figure out how to change it properly. Something that just occurred to me is that I can define a "notes" variable inside my debug hook, breakpoint after it, and then I'll be able to get to the breakpoint by running Mypy, at which point I can remind myself what I was just doing by printing the notes variable, so it's all right there in front of me.

Anyway, I let it get late, so I'll just wrap up for now and see what I can do with this in the coming days.

Good night.