Coding 2023-11-16
So, like I said, I filed the bug report, and then realized "Wait, I bet I can handle this." So here's the general idea: I've written a plugin for handling the concept of a dependent mapping, a mapping where the type of a value depends on the type of the corresponding key. I'm allowing for arbitrary relationships, which should require a concept along the lines of higher-kinded types, which Python's typing ecosystem mostly does not have. Now, a higher-kinded type is basically like, you have a type-level function between types, and you can write type-level functions that operate on type-level functions instead of plain types. So, you could have list[T] or T | None, and you'd like to be able to pass them around. This turns out to not really work; you can't pass around "a generic type with a hole in it".
However, we can instead take a type-level function, and turn it into the type of a function that transforms types the way we'd like it to.
Let's turn those examples above into what I'm talking about.
class ListOf(Protocol):
def __call__(self, __k: T) -> list[T]:
class Maybe(Protocol):
def __call__(self, __k: T) -> T | None:
Now, these callable protocols are entirely concrete, of course; just look at the class lines.
Now, these callable protocols are entirely generic, of course; just look at the def lines.
There's no way Mypy is cool with this.
Absolutely not; why do you think we're in this mess?
Anyway, I could imagine various uses for this idiom; actually implementing these protocols could be useful for some kind of data processing pipeline, potentially. But I've instead been using them as the type arguments of a generic protocol, which is like Mapping, but is not Mapping. Most of the methods on the protocol actually typecheck perfectly fine, and to bridge the gap, I had to write a plugin that transforms a select few signature and method accesses, pulling up variables hidden inside the protocols.
This worked perfectly fine for a few versions, but with Mypy 1.7.0, some new type inference code became the default, and it gives those methods much less helpful default signatures. At first I thought "Well, I need the signatures to go back the way they were", but then I realized that most of the information is still intact, just not where I want it to be, and there is a finite set of methods to update, so I can hardcode rather a lot if I need to.
Let's have a look at what I've put together so far. Now, none of this is functional code changes; it doesn't really work to rush into writing a Mypy plugin; getting small details wrong can crash it outright. So, I'm currently focused on diagnostics. Print-based diagnostics. Just stick a print statement in the plugin code, and it shows up in the command-line output. EZ.
Here's what I've got currently:
def pprint_callable_type(callable_type, when):
print(when, "(")
for slot in CALLABLE_SLOTS:
print(slot, "=", getattr(callable_type, slot))
def debug_hook(hook):
def new_hook(ctx):
self_arg = ctx.type.args[0]
before = ctx.default_signature
pprint_callable_type(before, "before")
after = hook(ctx)
pprint_callable_type(after, "after")
return after
return new_hook
Most of the hooks in the plugin focus on rewriting the method signature, so I've written a diagnostic decorator that details the information relevant to the plugin's functionality, and how the hook transforms the information that it's supposed to transform. Because it's a decorator, I can put it on a hook, and take it off, without worrying about messing up the hook's body.
I've put together a small synthetic test file, and am comparing the debug output with and without the new type inference. So far, I'm seeing that the output is mostly the same; it's just that arg_types and ret_type have Never instead of anything useful.
And... I just discovered a crash that was latent in the plugin code all along. I'm going to have to figure out how to convert that into a proper call, or at least a reasonable error telling people "Hey, you can't use the plugin like that. Stop it."
Anyway, it's going to take some more work and a bunch of notes to put together a plan for how to handle this stuff. I'd better put this entry down and see what I'm up for the rest of the night.
Good night.