Weekly Roundup 2021-11-02
- Wednesday: I filled in the most obvious deficits in the rough draft of the poem to introduce my worldbuilding.
- Thursday: I worked on formatting the draft, so now it renders nicely.
- Friday: I circled back around to try to cover all of the issues my current work on MOTR can hit.
- Saturday: I sketched out some ideas there, but didn't come to anything really clear.
- Sunday: I figured out some stuff that's (probably?) missing from that.
- Monday: I focused on stuff that I don't write blog posts for, so... yeah.
Next week, I'm going to try to focus on writing for a bit, and then start developing the Fragment API within MOTR's libraries, because I don't think incrementally writing it in the motrfile is worth it, because it doesn't really make sense to switch a script call "halfway" over. (Although, it might make sense to have some kind of commented block that I can prototype the desired calls in, to firm up the interface ahead-of-time.