Weekly Roundup 2021-06-15
- Wednesday: I worked on the core scheduling logic for the task runner. Most of it's easy, but I had trouble with the middle layer that basically soaked up all the complexity.
- Thursday: I got tests for the whole thing, then started planning what to work on next.
- Friday: I decided that, after I published that entry, I would work on designing the output presentation logic, which I did.
- Saturday: We went out and did some stuff, and my pyenv installation broke in subtle and mysterious ways.
- Sunday: I thought about what "a nice organization" for some of the extension and plugin stuff I want would look like. I probably need to think some more.
- Monday: I got the task runner to a point where it's all supposedly more-or-less functional. We'll see.
Next week, I'm going to try to polish up the task runner code, and add the one major piece of functionality that's stubbed out: a progress bar. The main hurdle there is figuring out a clean integration. I might punt on "clean" and just inject it all into the main flow for now.