Weekly Roundup 2021-04-06
- Wednesday: I made the last adjustments to my pip PR. I think my side of things is actually done now.
- Thursday: I started porting μKanren to Python, because *shrug*.
- Friday: I got a bit further along, and wrote a unifier that works on JSON-like data.
- Saturday: I had a migraine.
- Sunday: I watched a very silly miniseries.
- Monday: I was out of town for part of the day, so eh.
Next week, I'm going to try and do more work on writing. I've reworked how I'm doing Zettelkasten stuff (I now have a card called "just using TiddlyWiki"), and I want to get used to that and try to get in the habit of using it, so I can enter in actionable stuff from the many, many programming blog posts I read. But for now, working on writing/worldbuilding.