Weekly Roundup 2021-02-09
- Wednesday: I started messing with algorithmic composition. First day: some helper code, some of which turned out not to work.
- Thursday: I started figuring out what I'd been doing wrong, and making plans to move forward.
- Friday: I started executing on those plans, and it went great.
- Saturday: I took a quick entry to figure out that some of the high-level ideas I had didn't make sense, and I should move in a somewhat different direction.
- Sunday: Not the most productive start to a weekend. [Standard spiel about how the way I name the days on the blog in general, and in these posts in particular, is sometimes unintuitive.] Oh well.
- Monday: Even less productive. Wrote this entry as fast as I could, just to have something. So, there's nothing else to say about it, and this summary is about as long as everything I wrote for that post now. Maybe longer.
Next week, I'm not sure what I'll be writing about. I'm feeling like taking a break from coding, and continuing to tweak my environment. At some point, I'm going to have to put together a vim cheatsheet, just so I remember things more clearly. Maybe I could make a deck for Anki.