Weekly Roundup 2019-01-01
- Wednesday: I laboriously moved around a bunch of PICO-8 sprites, and read some of an ebook.
- Draw a Box: Texturings and ellipses.
- Friday: I played 7 Billion Humans some.
- Saturday: I realized I'd been working with too big a spritesheet and collapsed it down, and I played 7 Billion Humans some more.
- Sunday: I played 7 Billion Humans some more.
- Monday: I tried to articulate some fair complaints about Maniac Cop 3, the worst of the Maniac Cops.
Next week, I'm going to take an inventory of my ebooks, then work out a plan of action. I don't know how much I'll get done past that, because the first thing we're doing at work in the new year is three straight days of meetings, and that sounds exhausting.