Coding 2023-07-23
I think I changed a few lines back and forth several times.
I think I changed a few lines back and forth several times.
I shouldn't be trying to read the code this late, but props to OCaml for being so readable once I get a basic handle on the syntax.
Not sure I'm supposed to have four close parens in a row.
My laptop turned on immediately after I edited a message onto the front page saying that it wouldn't. Thanks for the tech support.
"This looks complicated. *does it*" is always a classic.
Relearning the healing power of deleting code.
I think if I get this wrong, the result is basically unusable, but I'm not sure what getting it right looks like.
Past me really should have explained all of this clever stuff...
Light on details, heavy on headaches.
Things are about to keep on getting confusing.