Coding 2023-07-29
It's so bloated...
It's so bloated...
I'll be shocked if this project results in something with even "okay" ergonomics.
I'm not really focusing on algorithmic properties, just, like, what offends my sensibilities as a Zachtronics enjoyer?
I think I changed a few lines back and forth several times.
I shouldn't be trying to read the code this late, but props to OCaml for being so readable once I get a basic handle on the syntax.
Not sure I'm supposed to have four close parens in a row.
My laptop turned on immediately after I edited a message onto the front page saying that it wouldn't. Thanks for the tech support.
"This looks complicated. *does it*" is always a classic.
Relearning the healing power of deleting code.
I think if I get this wrong, the result is basically unusable, but I'm not sure what getting it right looks like.