Coding 2023-02-13
It did not Just Work when I tried to use it...
It did not Just Work when I tried to use it...
This stuff had better Just Work when I try to use it...
I think I'll be able to make some kind of real progress on this soon...
Coding while loopy is not a good idea, but, oh well.
Apparently, what makes me happy is to just commit to an approach.
I'm going to need my laptop to stop being weird for a bit...
Preparing to sacrifice extreme terseness, because otherwise it'll be a pain to implement and have a bunch of mystery bugs.
Don't remember what I was doing a month ago? That's okay, neither do I.
Frantically triaging my sleep schedule, but I still got something done. Next time around, I'll try to prioritize sleep, but I panicked.
If enum is so great, why isn't there an enum 2?