Coding 2022-10-23
I'm not going to get too far with anything tonight, but I want to refresh my memory on the Earley parser stuff. Looking at the last entry in this tag through the website, I see that I was in the middle of writing some changes to the enum modules I wrote.
My notes there just talk about "taking an iterator", so that's just, like, okay, take the values returned by an iterator function, and then feed them into the... ah, good, the previous Lua post actually explains this stuff.
Let's see, what do I want to call this stuff?
- The table that either accumulates or chains names and potentially values can be called fields. From a purity craze perspective, I'd try for the chaining, but it's probably easier to implement with it just accumulating into a table. Remembering that the fields need to be required to be strings.
- From there, the opairs function I've already written can be used to extract the data.
- Something in there needs to handle defaulting arguments that aren't given, but I'm not sure what's the best way to handle that.
I think I need to do some planning on paper to properly hash a lot of this out.
Anyway, it's late, and I need to wrap things up. It wouldn't do to stay up too late on this laptop just as soon as it becomes possible again.
Good night.