Coding 2023-09-07
I'm not even sure I'm reading the right paper.
I'm not even sure I'm reading the right paper.
Going to have to keep in mind that "wanting the documentation to make intuitive sense" won't be enough to make it so.
That was a good gear-switch.
Feel free to skip.
There's not much... here.
One time the original She-Ra cartoon managed to do a White Savior episode with only pale-skinned characters. I think about that sometimes.
Asymptotically approaching the "explaining nuclear physics in caveman speak" bit.
"Being-in-space deficiency" is admittedly a weird way to express the concept of "muscular and skeletal atrophy", but I stand by it.
"Isotopes on planet, like fingerprint in chemicals."
I worked on this stuff just enough to feel like I don't want to for a while.