Hivelets 2025-02-26

By Max Woerner Chase

I'm tired and not thinking too clearly, so instead of bashing my head against MOTR again, I'm starting a new category.

For a while now, I've been poking at an RPG concept. I don't fully remember some of the links in the creative chain, so I'm going to try to just devise an elevator pitch:

"Weird bug aliens infiltrate humanity, get entangled with people's everyday lives, and probably experience some form of gender feels."

The general idea is that this game, Hivelets, is based on Lancer, but instead of the key question being "are you currently piloting a robot?", it's "are any weird alien bits visible?". The other major difference is the standard roll, which is inspired by PbtA, and when I tried to describe it to my wife, her immediate point of comparison was Oblivion's "speechcraft" mechanic, and, um, hopefully it ends up making more sense than that.

There are two major areas that I need to focus on. One is coming up with enough different "weird bug alien" concepts to fill out the character creation/progression options. The other is understanding Lancer beyond "I read some blog posts, and read the rulebook for the lore and pretty pictures".


To be fair, the pictures are very pretty.

Anyway, I'm totally out of it for the rest of tonight. Going to wind down early.

Good night.