Diary 2024-10-05

By Max Woerner Chase

I'm still not ready to give this a dedicated category, but this is what I was up for working on after my allergies laid me out.


Hold on, didn't you also—

Shh, not now.


You can't hide from your sins forever.

The world isn't ready to see how I got subclassing to work with Enum and frozen attrs classes.

Anyway, I'm still thinking about 4D stuff. I came up with a way to cheat the gravitational potential issues, but I haven't run the numbers yet to see if I like the behavior.

Basically, I need to take some derivatives, find the circular orbital distance as a function of the angular momentum, then take the derivative of that, and find the equivalent numbers for 3D space to compare how sensitive the different formulas are to perturbations in angular momentum. Like, intuitively, it seems possible that my "cheat" could result in orbits that change significantly in response to tiny nudges.

Anyway, it's late, I'll crunch those numbers in the morning.

Good night.