Diary 2024-06-30

By Max Woerner Chase

I haven't come up with any sudden revelations for how to improve the Dafny code. Maybe I should focus on other areas for now, and come back to improving the brittleness (or weakening the bounds) later.

Instead of bouncing off the Dafny code, I've been refreshing my memory about some code that I wrote several years ago and then abandoned. I'm cautiously interested in inflicting it on the world again, but somewhat stymied by a combination of insufficient documentation (gee what a shock) and the weird state of my coding style at the time, partly because of the state of the Python language and libraries. That can only shoulder so much of the blame, though. I'm looking at this code and going "what's the point of showing off like this, if nobody's going to have the patience to understand it?"

Anyway, I think the sensible course of action is to try switching course to writing tomorrow. We'll see if I feel like that. For now, I should get to bed.

Good night.