Diary 2024-05-02

By Max Woerner Chase

Well, it was another light day, but I'm making some initial attempts to address one or two of the issues I've noticed with the Fabula Ultima worldbuilding stuff. See, I've got a bunch of "generic Dungeons and Dragons" tier sapient species, and some somewhat out-there ones I made up. The "generic" species have horrible puns embedded in their worldbuilding, and I don't get all of them, and don't want to get rid of the worldbuilding side of the pun of the ones I do get. Concerning the ones I've come up with, there aren't any puns, and the names don't fit the aesthetic of the others. Given all of this, I see two options:

I'm trying to do the latter, and it's... not looking horrible, but I'm not quite gelling with it. I'm going to need to think about this for a few days, or something.

Anyway, I let things go late again, so I'm going to cut this here and get to bed.

Good night.