Diary 2024-03-17

By Max Woerner Chase

Ugh, I was trying to fix some stuff I messed up on my Deck, and it turns out I was working with outdated directions, so that wasted a bunch of time. I'll come back to it later, because I don't want to keep thinking about it right now.

I made some progress on the conlang stuff, but mostly on the code side. I think I need to add a bunch of placeholder entries so I have some idea of the scope of what needs to get filled in. I'll try that now.


Mm, that's a bunch of work to do later...

Thinking over how to move forward, I think I should be focusing on phoneme charts. That'll help with the possibility of missing phonemes in words.

Anyway, I'll think about that (it's probably going to end up with functions to generate the HTML explicitly), but right now, I'm going to switch gears for a bit. What I've got in mind is not too interesting to talk about; it's just something simple that I want done.

Good night.