Diary 2023-12-21

By Max Woerner Chase

So, I've got more time tonight, and I have something to write about this time.

I've been messing around with writing really short-form stuff in a vague ambiguously-fantasy setting. I'm trying to draw from the early works of Lord Dunsany, from Invisible Cities, and from Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.

I feel like this is kind of hemming in some of my worldbuilding-related excesses, because the "point" of the setting is to raise questions, more or less, so it doesn't help me any to try to "stockpile" answers.

There's another point to all of this writing, but I don't feel like I can explain it coherently right now. I've tried to explain it to a few people in the past, and got frustrated when stuff that I thought was completely clear just got, like, glossed over.

But I shouln't focus on that right now, because the main thing I'm feeling right now is tired.

Good night.