Diary 2023-11-06
Okay, so, NaNo. I'm not definitely giving up on it, but I'm not going to finish it the way I'm going currently. There are a few problems here:
- I have painfully low energy and just want to lie down forever.
- I've more-or-less exhausted the stuff I pre-planned.
- I'm not sure if the stuff I want to write about merits something novella-length on its own.
- I'm trying to show off some fancy worldbuilding I came up with, but every character currently alive is looking at it and going "So, it's a bad idea to engage with that". At the same time, if a character did do the irresponsible thing, it would probably render the narrative too confusing.
Ultimately, what I really wanted to get out of this was a test of some insultingly simple command-line tools I put together for writing, and the ultimate verdict on those so far is a resounding "maybe". Like, for sure, they don't get in the way in the way that any minimally functional editor does, but I guess I can't really evaluate how well they worked without trying to put the output through a bunch of editing passes.
Basically, if I can address all of the points above in the next few days, I'll get back into it, and otherwise I'll let it be. (Not like I wasn't already sneaking in work on other things anyway. Maybe this whole "work on just one thing for a month" thing isn't for me any more...)
Anyway, for now, I'm going to print some stuff out so I can get off my laptop and try to take things easy.
Good night.