Coding 2025-01-06
Well. I just forced out a bunch of junky Python code. Later, I'll see about checking whether it in any way works, but first I have to decide whether and how I want to support the versioning aspect of setuptools-scm, in addition to the file tracking part. (I have to admit, I'm still smarting from dealing with Poetry's SCM integration however many years ago (I was doing something very weird.), but I'm hopeful I can get this to replace "maintaining a file" for the cases where I'm using an obscure SCM.)
I suppose you think it's admirable that you didn't crowbar in some way to pretend you have no idea what Git is?
I couldn't figure out how to—I mean, Git? What's that?
... Hey, wait a sec...
Anyway, I guess I need to psych myself up for transcribing a lot of information. Unless I can... Hm... Copy out an entire table. Split on newlines. Strip leading spaces. Leftpad all entries where the second character is a colon with zeroes. Sort. Remove the first four characters. Print.
Okay, yeah, that's no big deal to do later. For now, I want to get ready for bed, so I'm not ambushed by midnight again.
Good night.