Coding 2024-11-29
Hm. I'm reading over the paper, and it's talking about presenting COCHIS in terms of System F. I should have experience with System F from working with OCaml and Haskell, but I was thinking I'd try to approach it from a stripped-down theoretical perspective, but I didn't make too much progress; I now have a general hand-wavy understanding of simply typed lambda calculus and System F, but I wouldn't expect too much of myself just yet. I'm going to give the paper another shot now; plenty of time before posting.
All right, I've skimmed over a bunch of the paper, and I'm going to try putting together prototypes based on its description of COCHIS.
Okay, what I've figured out from this is that I need a better handle on System F, particularly how to handle "environments", because that's something I didn't have in the simpler lambda calculus prototypes I knocked together today.
As such, my plan now is to get a handle on System F implementations and write one myself to hack on and extend in accordance with the COCHIS paper's description.
For now, I need to sleep off everything that happened today, intended and not.
Good night.