Coding 2024-09-29

By Max Woerner Chase

I've been planning out and executing on refactors, so in terms of "features" or "getting the map to not look completely terrible", I haven't made any visible progress. At this point, the elaborate scaffolding I've written to put together BEM stuff automatically is as done as it'll ever be, so it's time for me to write component classes and make sure everything works the way I expect it to.

Basically, to start with, I want a DocumentComponent class that is a body tag, and has a tuple of bem.Component[Page] instances. Then, I can define a HexesPageComponent class, and get some good template stuff going on in there. Once those are written, I can try substituting them into the current template I'm using, and see what breaks. If I get that template working, I'll probably move it to a more accessible location. This all basically makes sense to me, but I'm too tired to explain it in detail, so I'm going to cut things off here.

Good night.