Coding 2024-09-18

By Max Woerner Chase

Okay, I've coded in some color schemes, and now I want to set up an entry point so testing this stuff out will be less obnoxious. I've got Click added in properly, but I need to figure out where to put it.

I'm leaning towards "a module next to the code it imports", but what to call it... Like, what kind of command do I want to be calling... [SOMETHING] campaign/sectors/sector.toml -o sector.pdf... export-sector, maybe?


And with a bit of futzing around, (as well as pointedly ignoring the deprecation warnings around some of the packages I'm using), I've got a nice command-line system for generating these files. With all of that out of the way, I can get to work improving the actual rendering logic powering all of this.

Anyway, I let things get late and I need to pack up and get to bed.

Good night.