Coding 2024-08-30

By Max Woerner Chase

With all of that messing around yesterday, you'd think I'd be moving on to prototype Tap, right? Nope! Time to look at Mythic's rolls and remember how they relate to each other.

Rolls on the Fate Chart can invoke Random Events. Random Events first roll for Event Focus, which can involve the Lists; then, rolling for the Event Meaning. Starting a Scene requires a roll to determine the nature of the scene; this may then require pretty much any kind of roll.

Some meaning tables require an arbitrary number of rolls. Ultimately, it appears better to document how all of this fits together, than to try to fit it all into code.

Well, that was a little disappointing. I can take a look at the variations to see if anything catches my eye... Hmm, nothing I want to touch right now.

The quick summary of dice in Mythic is that I can get most things done with percentile dice, most of the rest done with a d10, and the remainder with a d4, d6, and d8.

In Stars Without Number, I see... d20 for saving throws, d6 for skill checks, d8 for initiative except I'm not going to bother rolling initiative, d20 to hit, d whatever to determine damage. There's a lot of stuff here.


I just took a quick look over the various things my character can buy when the time comes. Nothing has quite grabbed me yet.

At this point, I think the sensible course of action is to punt on the machine-readable ideas for now, print out and fill out a character sheet, and the other sheets, take pictures to keep track of things, and just start going.

Right now, though, bed.

Good night.