Coding 2024-08-24

By Max Woerner Chase

Well, I'm never quite working on what I expect to, but I'm just going to keep noodling around for a while. I thought to myself that I'd like to have something very simple for handling command-line interfaces, and I've just kind of tossed a bunch of modules together that should let me do that.

At this point, I think what it makes sense to do is to actually build a character, and start assembling the character sheet library around that. Once I'm ready to actually get started, I'll need to put together a few things on the Mythic side of this all.

The big thing I'm trying to work out right now is how I want to handle die rolls. Like, does renaming the math.random function get me anything, and, if so, how do I want to go about it? Do I want each kind of die roll to just be a nullary function, or should I try to do stuff with metatables so it's like, the number of sides is foregrounded, and I can make the whole thing more data-y, which is definitely a word you should use in a serious presentation.

Something like

local fudge = die(6, {-1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1})

Hm. Not quite vibing with this for some reason. Going to have to take some time to think about it. For now, bed.

Good night.