Coding 2024-06-21

By Max Woerner Chase

Okay, I've laid some groundwork, so now let's lay some more groundwork.

I've decided that I want to try to get a fresh start on the Dafny code that I want to work with, so I'll create a new folder to work with it in, set up source control, and put together command-line hooks and task runner configuration to take advantage of capabilities in Dafny that I haven't used before.

The first thing I need to keep in mind is that I have to make sure verification is bounded. In the past, I used --resource-limit 200. I don't think that's any kind of generally applicable setting; probably if I go that route, I'll have to gradually ratchet it up, but as long as I just configure it in one place, I think that's fine?

Let's take a look at the kind of stuff I want to have in here, long-term:

I've just written a small module, and I'll be able to build up the various diagnostics now, and then start expanding on it.

For now, I want to get off my laptop, so I'll just note that I'm planning to look into just, to see if I prefer it to invoke, just out of curiosity. Right now, though, let's wind down...

Good night.