Coding 2024-06-08

By Max Woerner Chase


So, how are things going with your programming hobby proects?

... I'm making a lot of progress in Isles of Sea and Sky?


... Of course you are.

Anyway, I made a little progress on the Crafting Interpreters stuff. Rust is letting me get away with a lot of stuff that I kind of didn't want to do, so I think I'm going to need to learn to trust the compiler more when it comes to data ownership.


Just how many blog posts and explainers did you have to read that, when you finally started putting together a proper project in Rust, your reaction to the borrow checker was "Wow, it lets me do so much stuff!"

Probably too many. Anyway, I meant to get to bed, like, half an hour ago basically. I'll look at this, or at something, tomorrow.

Good night.