Coding 2024-05-22

By Max Woerner Chase


So, Koka has had implicits since sometime in January.

Oh wow, neat.


So, there's no reason to keep messing around with Impliciula, right?



Why do I bother?

See, here's the deal. There are various ways to handle the concept of implicits. I haven't delved super-deep into how Koka's implementation works, but it seems maybe like it's closer to Scala than I'd like; my goal is to make something much more like this one particular fork of OCaml.


Of course.

Also, while the research programs feeding into Koka's development don't have any way to crowbar in AI BS that is extremely obvious to me, just thinking about that somehow happening gets me thinking about stuff like "a healthy ecosystem with plenty of competition". (To be clear, I'm not talking about "having libraries that do a lot of linear algebra and vectorization", I'm talking about "Buy a fancy new computer that records everything on your screen and keeps it around for three months by default." HIPAA violations as a service.)

Anyway, I've got some ideas for Impliciula that I've been posting on Cohost. I think what I'd like to do is to take code samples from language tutorials (starting with The Rust Book), and figure out either what they would look like in Impliciula, or what questions I would need to answer first.

For the moment, I need rest.

Good night.