Coding 2023-08-26

By Max Woerner Chase

Okay, I'm not in the mood to make all of the decisions that need to be made, but I started messing with the lexer prototype, and let's see what's missing:

I got drafts for most of that, except for lists. Also I should have comments, which is going to end up being a whole other thing...

Nevertheless, I think I'm at the point where I can put together short snippets and have some highlighting. And, trying it out with my color scheme and... Wow. That's terrible. Like I should maybe re-evaluate the color scheme I'm using for this blog, because "half the keywords, and the function invocations and variable names all get identical highlighting" is a ridiculous scenario to end up in.

I'll try to get something that makes sense tomorrow...


I got sidetracked, and tried to make the theme from scratch, and I ended up with something nearly as bad as my custom theme, from modifying one of the bundled ones.

I'm going to try to ask for help. We'll see how that goes, but also I need to get ready for bed.

Good night.