Coding 2023-08-14

By Max Woerner Chase

I've punted on whether to have rec (or "recursive"), because I wanted to focus on how to keyword modules and modules types. I need some kind of keyword for various things to have them inline. That also includes functions, so maybe I can come up with some insight there?

Well, I got an idea for inline functions, but I don't feel any closer to having a handle on "struct" or "sig". It's like... these don't correspond to a basic grammatical form, more like a poetic or rhetorical structure?

Maybe the right way to look at them is as some kind of block structure, in which case the inline form would just be structure {...} or signature {...}. Which, given what I've gone through thinking about this, seems reasonable.

Well, time to get to bed, and maybe think about rec, I dunno.

Good night.