Coding 2023-07-14

By Max Woerner Chase

I stared at my old code some more, and I'm starting to get a handle on what exactly I was doing. It looks like the difference between using a set and a dict was just a matter of some cases "wanting" to cache the result of a computation.

I'm thinking about how best to handle the idea of yet another type to put into a Set or a Map. I must be doing something wrong, because all of this boilerplate is really unpleasant.

I wonder if I can get away with turning all of this "map" stuff into functions from keys to values, because that would cut out a lot of this nonsense. Or maybe I should be trying to define just a few Maps in the interface, and constructing the implementation out of OrderedTypes?

Today was another exhausting day, so I'm going to wrap up for now, and try to figure out what's a sensible way to do this stuff tomorrow or over the weekend.

Good night.